🎉 The next update of Listen is coming soon.
Music Commands

Legal Disclaimer

Listen can only play some audio files and downloadable, copyright-free, SoundCloud links.
Listen can't play videos. Instead, Listen will smartly search for a similar audio on SoundCloud and play it.

Music Commands

As an audio player bot, Listen has the following commands:

These commands require the user to be connected to a voice channel.


The /play command plays an audio or playlist.

For more details, go to this page:

Using music commands through buttons

After queueing a song, you should now see a DJ Control Panel in the chat.


Page One and Page Two

Here you can be the DJ.
To control the basics of the bot, use the buttons available in the DJ Control Panel.

Liking a song

To like a song, press the Thumbs Up button.

Marking a song as your Current Obsession

To mark a song as your Current Obsession, press the Loop Symbol button.

Live Lyrics

To see synchronized lyrics, press the Synced Lyrics button, highlighted in green when available.


To shuffle the queue, press the Shuffle Symbol button.

Replaying the previous song

To replay the previous song, press the Rewind button.

Pausing or resuming playback

To pause the current song, press the Pause button.

Skipping to the next song

To vote to skip to the next song, press the Skip button.


To disconnect the bot, press the Stop playing button.


To get an overview of the queue, press the Queue Symbol button.

Removing items from the queue

In order to control the queue and remove items, use the /queue command.

See legal disclaimer

You can find it in the Legal Disclaimer button and in the top section of this page.


To alter between repeat modes, press the Loop button.

Going to page two

To go to page two, press the See more button.


Press the Audio Effects button.

Sharing a song

Press the Share with Shareables button.


Press one of the Seek buttons, indicated by symbols.

Volume Control

Press one of the Volume buttons, also indicated by symbols.